DI's global presence and network
For Denmark and Danish companies, access to the global marketplace is crucial. Therefore, it is important to embrace global opportunities and play a part in shaping the global trade and investment framework.
Denmark is a very active participant in a global world. Despite its modest size Denmark has become one of the world’s most prosperous societies. This is largely due to our trade with the rest of the world.
DI in Brussels – access to influence in Europe.
DI in Washington – access to influence in the USA
DI assists member companies' global growth through commercial offices around the world. Get in touch.
Developing Countries
DI develops the markets of the future by supporting business organisations around the world. Read more

Active participation
Through increased international sales we can ensure that Danish companies capture a greater share of wealth creation in markets near and far.
Active participation in globalisation is the only path towards securing the future growth of Danish companies and the welfare of the Danish society.
DI's commitment to Europe
To strengthen DI's potential of influence and access to relevant knowledge in the EU, DI is a member of and active in almost 80 European business and employers' organisations, think tanks and political networks. The following 10 is a selection thereof.
DI's worldwide market development partnerships
DI recommends that member companies check out the following private-public partnerships, to gain access to new markets: